It's all about FUN
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I have worked hard to create a cozy, comfy, family atmosphere. The play room is totally dedicated to the kids. Our yard is secure & appropriate for children of all ages.

ART: We use crayons, washable markers, and side-walk chalk. Stickers and stampers too!
MUSIC: We march, dance, chant silly rhymes and sing to wholesome and age-appropriate music only.
We LOVE Baby Einstein, Elmo, & Blue, Dora, ETC.
OUTDOOR PLAY: We have a wide variety of playground toys & equipment and green grass to run, skip, jump, climb, slide, & roll around on.
MANIPULATIVES: Age appropriate Legos, Potato Head, puzzles, wooden, waffle, and thistle blocks are huge favorites!
DOLLS/CARS: dolls, puppets and all kinds of cars are favorites of both genders.
SCHOOLAGERS: Board games, Puzzles, action figures, dress-up, rubber stamps, age-appropriate movies.

ALL of our daily activities promote social interaction, teach creativity (which helps a child in all aspects of his/her life), and build large/small motor skills and coordination.

**Choosing Toys:
Child learns to make decisions and how to work with abilities. He finds toys by himself and with others. Sets up environment for play. He learns to express needs, share, barter, manage conflict, and ask for help so his needs can be met. He learns about acceptance, rejection, and compassion.
**Block Play: Child learns to balance blocks and line them up (small motor skills; coordination). He may count blocks, see pattern and design, learn to build & plan structure and match blocks that look alike-- important pre-math skills.
**Dramatic Play:
We love hats & shoes!! Children like & need to play adult roles. They develop their self-image and expression. Thru role play, a child decides appropriate dress and appearance; uses visual perceptions to assist self, others, and play environment. Learns & remembers behaviors to imitate. Develops abstract thinking abilities. He/she dresses his/herself & can set up the play environment and find props.
**Books & Music:
Helps kids listen and retain information by following story line (sequencing) with eyes and/or ears. They learn patience, and how to sit still. Children recognize words, pictures, instruments, and rhythms--great pre-reading and math skills too!
**Outside Play, Climbing/Riding:
A child may count the rungs to the top of a climbing structure; plans his climb. He learns to map out direction and distance to ride: watch for others in path. He builds his large motor coordination, balance, and learns to take turns & interact with others.
**Putting Away Toys:
Children practice their learned sorting skills and direction following. They can replace object on the shelf, replace lids, open and shut doors. They learn cooperation & responsibility by taking turns and handling toys carefully.